Welcome to Paramount Consulting Firm
Providing high quality professional development opportunities for individuals working in early childhood care.
Professional Development
Enhance your program with our innovative trainings focusing on the needs of every early childhood facility.
Tailored trainings designed to meet the specific needs of your center to become a licensed facility in the state of Texas.
Texas Rising Star certification is available to licensed centers and licensed and registered child care home facilities that meet the certification criteria. We provide training in all nine competency areas for the practitioner as well as training in all 6 areas for administrators.
Innovative Workshops
Participate in interactive workshops to learn the latest trends and best practices in early childhood classrooms based on PreK Guidelines set forth by the state of Texas.
Helpful Resources
Explore a range of resources to aid in your professional development in early childhood care.
Minimum Standards for Child-Care Centers
The minimum standards tell you (the child care operation permit holder) what requirements you, your employees, and your caregivers must follow.
Texas Core Competencies for Early Childhood Practitioners and Administrators
Texas Core Competencies are concepts, practices, and knowledge that must be known and be able to demonstrate in order to be effective.
Texas Prekindergarden Guidelines
The intended use of the guidelines is to provide guidance for planning quality learning experiences for children three to five years of age.
Conference Registration
Please use the following link to register for our October Conference.
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